Free and Rowdy Party

The Free and Rowdy Party was a political party that operated in Atlanta, Georgia, during the middle of the 19th century. Although the mayoral elections of Atlanta are not contested along party lines, the first three mayors of the city were Rowdies, as members of the Free and Rowdy Party were called. They included Moses Formwalt, Benjamin Bomar, and Willis Buell, each serving one year as per the city charter.

Free and Rowdy Party

The Free and Rowdy Party was a political party that operated in Atlanta, Georgia, during the middle of the 19th century. Although the mayoral elections of Atlanta are not contested along party lines, the first three mayors of the city were Rowdies, as members of the Free and Rowdy Party were called. They included Moses Formwalt, Benjamin Bomar, and Willis Buell, each serving one year as per the city charter.