Friday Foster

Friday Foster is an American newspaper comic strip, created and written by Jim Lawrence and illustrated by Jorge Longarón. It ran from January 18, 1970 to February 17, 1974 and was notable for featuring one of the first African-American women as the title character in a comic strip. Jackie Ormes's Torchy Brown predated it, although it saw a more limited release in the Afro-American newspaper Pittsburgh Courier.

Friday Foster

Friday Foster is an American newspaper comic strip, created and written by Jim Lawrence and illustrated by Jorge Longarón. It ran from January 18, 1970 to February 17, 1974 and was notable for featuring one of the first African-American women as the title character in a comic strip. Jackie Ormes's Torchy Brown predated it, although it saw a more limited release in the Afro-American newspaper Pittsburgh Courier.