Friendly Fire: The Illusion of Justice

Friendly Fire: The Illusion of Justice, published in 2010, is memoir written by Adam Bereki. The book tells a harrowing story where "truth is stranger than fiction." The story is of an aspiring, young police officer who enters the Huntington Beach police force, but finds himself caught in a disastrous cycle when his colleagues catch wind of his sexual orientation. The situation rapidly unwinds as harassment and threats escalate to a breaking point and the young officer presses a lawsuit against the department.

Friendly Fire: The Illusion of Justice

Friendly Fire: The Illusion of Justice, published in 2010, is memoir written by Adam Bereki. The book tells a harrowing story where "truth is stranger than fiction." The story is of an aspiring, young police officer who enters the Huntington Beach police force, but finds himself caught in a disastrous cycle when his colleagues catch wind of his sexual orientation. The situation rapidly unwinds as harassment and threats escalate to a breaking point and the young officer presses a lawsuit against the department.