Fu Yue

Fu Yue, also known as Hou Que (侯雀; Hóu Què), was a mythical figure who served as minister from Fuyan (present-day Pinglu County, Shanxi) under the king Wu Ding 武丁 of the Shang 商 dynasty, who reigned 1324–1265 BC. He has also been defined anachronistically a "premier."

Fu Yue

Fu Yue, also known as Hou Que (侯雀; Hóu Què), was a mythical figure who served as minister from Fuyan (present-day Pinglu County, Shanxi) under the king Wu Ding 武丁 of the Shang 商 dynasty, who reigned 1324–1265 BC. He has also been defined anachronistically a "premier."