
Futon (布団) is the Japanese traditional style of bedding. A complete futon set consists of a mattress (敷き布団, shikibuton, lit. "spreading futon") and a duvet (掛け布団, kakebuton, lit. "covering futon"). Both elements of a futon bedding set are pliable enough to be aired, folded and stored away in a large closet (押入れ, oshiire) during the day allowing the room to serve for purposes other than as a bedroom.


Futon (布団) is the Japanese traditional style of bedding. A complete futon set consists of a mattress (敷き布団, shikibuton, lit. "spreading futon") and a duvet (掛け布団, kakebuton, lit. "covering futon"). Both elements of a futon bedding set are pliable enough to be aired, folded and stored away in a large closet (押入れ, oshiire) during the day allowing the room to serve for purposes other than as a bedroom.