
G-Taste (Japanese: ジィ・テイスト, Hepburn: Ji Teisuto) is an erotic manga series illustrated by the artist Hiroki Yagami (八神ひろき, Yagami Hiroki) and serialised in Young Magazine Upper's. The "G" in "G-taste" is used symbolically as the letter between "F" (for "Fetish") and "H" (for "hentai"). The anime has been licensed in the US by SoftCel Pictures. However the rights have since expired and now Critical Mass has since bought the rights. Not all of the series has been licensed as only the first five episodes have been released in the US. Episodes 6 and 7 have, to date, not been released in the US at all. An additional single episode OVA was released in 2010 bundled with the G-Best - G-Taste Best Selection compilation manga from Kodansha.


G-Taste (Japanese: ジィ・テイスト, Hepburn: Ji Teisuto) is an erotic manga series illustrated by the artist Hiroki Yagami (八神ひろき, Yagami Hiroki) and serialised in Young Magazine Upper's. The "G" in "G-taste" is used symbolically as the letter between "F" (for "Fetish") and "H" (for "hentai"). The anime has been licensed in the US by SoftCel Pictures. However the rights have since expired and now Critical Mass has since bought the rights. Not all of the series has been licensed as only the first five episodes have been released in the US. Episodes 6 and 7 have, to date, not been released in the US at all. An additional single episode OVA was released in 2010 bundled with the G-Best - G-Taste Best Selection compilation manga from Kodansha.