GG Bond

GG Bond (simplified Chinese: 猪猪侠; traditional Chinese: 豬豬俠) is a 3D Chinese animated TV series created by Zhibin Gu a.k.a. Ben Gu, a member of the China Animation Association, and CEO of Guang Dong Winsing Company Limited. A film series based on the TV series has currently four films: (2012), GG Bond 2 (2014), GG Bond Movie: Ultimate Battle (2015) and GG Bond: Guarding (2017).

GG Bond

GG Bond (simplified Chinese: 猪猪侠; traditional Chinese: 豬豬俠) is a 3D Chinese animated TV series created by Zhibin Gu a.k.a. Ben Gu, a member of the China Animation Association, and CEO of Guang Dong Winsing Company Limited. A film series based on the TV series has currently four films: (2012), GG Bond 2 (2014), GG Bond Movie: Ultimate Battle (2015) and GG Bond: Guarding (2017).