GNOME Dictionary

GNOME Dictionary, also called gnome-dictionary, is a DICT client written in C by Emmanuele Bassi and others. It is part of the free software GNOME desktop suite. It allows users to look up words in various dictionary sources. gnome-dictionary was at first an independent DICT protocol client called gdict, created by Bradford Hovinen, Spiros Papadimitriou and Mike Hughes; it was included inside the gnome-utils meta-package during the 1.x release cycle. As a companion to the original application was also added an applet for gnome-panel.

GNOME Dictionary

GNOME Dictionary, also called gnome-dictionary, is a DICT client written in C by Emmanuele Bassi and others. It is part of the free software GNOME desktop suite. It allows users to look up words in various dictionary sources. gnome-dictionary was at first an independent DICT protocol client called gdict, created by Bradford Hovinen, Spiros Papadimitriou and Mike Hughes; it was included inside the gnome-utils meta-package during the 1.x release cycle. As a companion to the original application was also added an applet for gnome-panel.