GPG Mail

GPG Mail is an extension for Apple Mail which comes as part of GPG Suite, a software collection that provides easy access to a collection of tools designed to secure your communications and encrypt files. GPG Mail provides public key email encryption and signing. It integrates with the default email client Apple Mail under macOS and the actual cryptographic functionality is handled by GNU Privacy Guard. On November 24, 2020 GPG Mail 5 was introduced, supporting macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina and macOS Big Sur.

GPG Mail

GPG Mail is an extension for Apple Mail which comes as part of GPG Suite, a software collection that provides easy access to a collection of tools designed to secure your communications and encrypt files. GPG Mail provides public key email encryption and signing. It integrates with the default email client Apple Mail under macOS and the actual cryptographic functionality is handled by GNU Privacy Guard. On November 24, 2020 GPG Mail 5 was introduced, supporting macOS Mojave, macOS Catalina and macOS Big Sur.