Gabriel Balart

Gabriel Balart was a Spanish conductor, director, and composer of zarzuelas. He was born in Barcelona on 8 June 1824 and died there on 5 July 1893. He studied at the Paris Conservatory before composing. several pieces of salon music. He went to Milan as a theater conductor, and was appointed as the musical director of the Teatro del Liceo. He wrote five romantic symphonies. His most successful opera was his light opera Amore y Arte.

Gabriel Balart

Gabriel Balart was a Spanish conductor, director, and composer of zarzuelas. He was born in Barcelona on 8 June 1824 and died there on 5 July 1893. He studied at the Paris Conservatory before composing. several pieces of salon music. He went to Milan as a theater conductor, and was appointed as the musical director of the Teatro del Liceo. He wrote five romantic symphonies. His most successful opera was his light opera Amore y Arte.