Gabriel Louis Angoulvant

Gabriel Louis Angoulvant (born 1872 in Longjumeau, France – died 1932 in Paris) was a colonial administrator in the second French colonial empire. He was appointed governor of French Ivory Coast in 1908. He had little prior experience in Africa and believed that the development of Ivory Coast could proceed only after the forceful conquest, or so-called pacification, of the colony. He thus embarked on a vigorous campaign, sending military expeditions into the hinterland to quell resistance. As a result of these expeditions, local rulers were compelled to obey existing , supply porters and food to the French forces, and ensure the protection of French trade and personnel. In return, the French agreed to leave local customs intact and specifically promised not to intervene in the selection of

Gabriel Louis Angoulvant

Gabriel Louis Angoulvant (born 1872 in Longjumeau, France – died 1932 in Paris) was a colonial administrator in the second French colonial empire. He was appointed governor of French Ivory Coast in 1908. He had little prior experience in Africa and believed that the development of Ivory Coast could proceed only after the forceful conquest, or so-called pacification, of the colony. He thus embarked on a vigorous campaign, sending military expeditions into the hinterland to quell resistance. As a result of these expeditions, local rulers were compelled to obey existing , supply porters and food to the French forces, and ensure the protection of French trade and personnel. In return, the French agreed to leave local customs intact and specifically promised not to intervene in the selection of