Gaius Sosius

Gaius Sosius (fl. 39–17 BC) was a Roman general and politician who featured in the wars of the late Republic as a staunch supporter of Mark Antony. He held several important state offices and military commands in Antony's service, and led the military expedition to install Rome's client, Herod, as king of Judea. Sosius became consul in the critical year 32 BC, when the Second Triumvirate lapsed and open conflict erupted between the triumvirs, Antony and Octavian. As consul, Sosius warmly espoused the cause of Antony and vigorously opposed Octavian in the Senate, for which he was forced to flee Rome.

Gaius Sosius

Gaius Sosius (fl. 39–17 BC) was a Roman general and politician who featured in the wars of the late Republic as a staunch supporter of Mark Antony. He held several important state offices and military commands in Antony's service, and led the military expedition to install Rome's client, Herod, as king of Judea. Sosius became consul in the critical year 32 BC, when the Second Triumvirate lapsed and open conflict erupted between the triumvirs, Antony and Octavian. As consul, Sosius warmly espoused the cause of Antony and vigorously opposed Octavian in the Senate, for which he was forced to flee Rome.