
The Galabrii (Ancient Greek: Γαλάβριοι) were a Romanized Thraco-Illyrian tribe of Dardania alongside the Thunatae. They held a region in what is now eastern Kosovo, southern Serbia and northern Macedonia, the towns of "", between Ad Fines (Kuršumlija) and Viminacium (Kostolac), "" between and Theranda, "" between Astibus (Štip) and Scupi (Skopje) Strabo writes that they are a "people of the Dardaniatae, in whose land is an ancient city." The tribe has been connected to Calabria in southern Italy.


The Galabrii (Ancient Greek: Γαλάβριοι) were a Romanized Thraco-Illyrian tribe of Dardania alongside the Thunatae. They held a region in what is now eastern Kosovo, southern Serbia and northern Macedonia, the towns of "", between Ad Fines (Kuršumlija) and Viminacium (Kostolac), "" between and Theranda, "" between Astibus (Štip) and Scupi (Skopje) Strabo writes that they are a "people of the Dardaniatae, in whose land is an ancient city." The tribe has been connected to Calabria in southern Italy.