Ganji Bar

Now we are here to discuss the name of Ganji Bar how it got the name. It was the only famous bar of Bari Doab. Ravi and Bias Bar are the Bars that are not discussed by the local researchers. Ganji Bar begins from the Twin Bridge (Jorian Pull), a stop before Akhterabad town on Lahore- Multan road. According to Dr. Harkerat Singh, there is a ridge of 7 to 8 miles in width in the middle of Bar. It is uncultivated, it looks like a barren land. Karer is the plant mostly found here. This is in the middle of Bar and goes from east to the south throughout the Bar. This was the reason, it is called Ganji (Bare) bar as it has a head without cultivation like a human head without hair. This way it is called Ganji Bar.

Ganji Bar

Now we are here to discuss the name of Ganji Bar how it got the name. It was the only famous bar of Bari Doab. Ravi and Bias Bar are the Bars that are not discussed by the local researchers. Ganji Bar begins from the Twin Bridge (Jorian Pull), a stop before Akhterabad town on Lahore- Multan road. According to Dr. Harkerat Singh, there is a ridge of 7 to 8 miles in width in the middle of Bar. It is uncultivated, it looks like a barren land. Karer is the plant mostly found here. This is in the middle of Bar and goes from east to the south throughout the Bar. This was the reason, it is called Ganji (Bare) bar as it has a head without cultivation like a human head without hair. This way it is called Ganji Bar.