Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs

The Gardiner Chair of Oceanic History and Affairs was established at Harvard University in 1948. The chair is named in honor of William Howard Gardiner (died, New York City, 21 June 1952), a publicist and advocate of the importance of sea power, who had been President of the United States Navy League from 1928 to 1933. In this position, Gardiner played an important role in ending the policy of Herbert Hoover's administration for a "holiday" in naval construction. During World War II, Gardiner served as a consultant to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and to the State Department on global policy.

Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs

The Gardiner Chair of Oceanic History and Affairs was established at Harvard University in 1948. The chair is named in honor of William Howard Gardiner (died, New York City, 21 June 1952), a publicist and advocate of the importance of sea power, who had been President of the United States Navy League from 1928 to 1933. In this position, Gardiner played an important role in ending the policy of Herbert Hoover's administration for a "holiday" in naval construction. During World War II, Gardiner served as a consultant to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and to the State Department on global policy.