Garib Das

Saint Garibdas Maharaj was a Spiritual leader and spiritual reformer. He took birth in 1717 A.D. to a family of Dhankhar jats in village Chudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana, India. He was a rich farmer. His spiritual journey started when Almighty God Kabir came to meet him and gave him initiation at the age of 10 years. After getting spiritual awareness from Almighty God Kabir, he uttered many Banis that are collected as holy book Shri Sat Granth Sahib. Garibdas Panth is also a Kabirpanth. Saint Garib Das Ji told through his Banis that Kabir Sahib is the supreme God in Satlok. Garibdas Ji left this earth in 1778 A.D., and over his remains a memorial was established.

Garib Das

Saint Garibdas Maharaj was a Spiritual leader and spiritual reformer. He took birth in 1717 A.D. to a family of Dhankhar jats in village Chudani, District Jhajjar, Haryana, India. He was a rich farmer. His spiritual journey started when Almighty God Kabir came to meet him and gave him initiation at the age of 10 years. After getting spiritual awareness from Almighty God Kabir, he uttered many Banis that are collected as holy book Shri Sat Granth Sahib. Garibdas Panth is also a Kabirpanth. Saint Garib Das Ji told through his Banis that Kabir Sahib is the supreme God in Satlok. Garibdas Ji left this earth in 1778 A.D., and over his remains a memorial was established.