
:Garista: is a debut album by the British avant-garde music group :zoviet*france:, who, when it was recorded, identified themselves as :$OVIET:FRANCE:. Recorded in December 1981, it was the first commercial album by the group, who released it themselves in 1982 in audio cassette format. Subsequently it was re-released by the music label Singing Ringing, again in audio cassette format (UK, 1985), and then by Charrm in audio cassette, 12 inch vinyl and CD formats (UK, 1990).


:Garista: is a debut album by the British avant-garde music group :zoviet*france:, who, when it was recorded, identified themselves as :$OVIET:FRANCE:. Recorded in December 1981, it was the first commercial album by the group, who released it themselves in 1982 in audio cassette format. Subsequently it was re-released by the music label Singing Ringing, again in audio cassette format (UK, 1985), and then by Charrm in audio cassette, 12 inch vinyl and CD formats (UK, 1990).