Garnetts Wood and Barnston Lays

Garnetts Wood and Barnston Lays is a 25 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest two miles south of Great Dunmow in Essex. It is owned and managed by Essex County Council "for quiet public recreation". The site is coppiced woodland, mostly ancient, on glacial silt, sands, gravels and clay soils. It contains some of the best lime woodland in the county. The ground flora are mainly brambles and dog's mercury, with some wood sorrel and bluebells. There are two ponds, which have the unusual water purslane. There is access from Bishop's Green.

Garnetts Wood and Barnston Lays

Garnetts Wood and Barnston Lays is a 25 hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest two miles south of Great Dunmow in Essex. It is owned and managed by Essex County Council "for quiet public recreation". The site is coppiced woodland, mostly ancient, on glacial silt, sands, gravels and clay soils. It contains some of the best lime woodland in the county. The ground flora are mainly brambles and dog's mercury, with some wood sorrel and bluebells. There are two ponds, which have the unusual water purslane. There is access from Bishop's Green.