Gausian dynasty

The Gausi or Gausian dynasty was a prominent Lombard ruling clan in the second half of the 6th century (547–572). They were either pagans or perhaps Arian Christians and were frequently at odds with the Roman Catholic Church. Under their rule, the Lombards first migrated into the Italian peninsula. The noble house of the Gausi continued through the first duke of Friuli, Gisulf I of Friuli, nephew of Alboin and grandson of Audoin. His heirs would eventually go on to secure power in the Duchy of Benevento, leading to the establishment of another Gausian king of Italy, Grimoald of Benevento

Gausian dynasty

The Gausi or Gausian dynasty was a prominent Lombard ruling clan in the second half of the 6th century (547–572). They were either pagans or perhaps Arian Christians and were frequently at odds with the Roman Catholic Church. Under their rule, the Lombards first migrated into the Italian peninsula. The noble house of the Gausi continued through the first duke of Friuli, Gisulf I of Friuli, nephew of Alboin and grandson of Audoin. His heirs would eventually go on to secure power in the Duchy of Benevento, leading to the establishment of another Gausian king of Italy, Grimoald of Benevento