Gene Miles (activist)

Gene Miles (1930 - 8 December 1972) was a political activist from Trinidad and Tobago. She is recognized for her testimony in the 1967 Commission of Enquiry into the corruption surrounding the granting of gas station licenses. Miles' testimony resulted in the firing of the Senior Factory Inspector. She is considered to be a strong figure of the resistance to governmental corruption and the Commission at which she testified is seen as one of the most significant in the history of Trinidad and Tobago.

Gene Miles (activist)

Gene Miles (1930 - 8 December 1972) was a political activist from Trinidad and Tobago. She is recognized for her testimony in the 1967 Commission of Enquiry into the corruption surrounding the granting of gas station licenses. Miles' testimony resulted in the firing of the Senior Factory Inspector. She is considered to be a strong figure of the resistance to governmental corruption and the Commission at which she testified is seen as one of the most significant in the history of Trinidad and Tobago.