Geometric probability

Problems of the following type, and their solution techniques, were first studied in the 18th century, and the general topic became known as geometric probability. * (Buffon's needle) What is the chance that a needle dropped randomly onto a floor marked with equally spaced parallel lines will cross one of the lines? * What is the mean length of a random chord of a unit circle? (cf. Bertrand's paradox). * What is the chance that three random points in the plane form an acute (rather than obtuse) triangle? * What is the mean area of the polygonal regions formed when randomly oriented lines are spread over the plane?

Geometric probability

Problems of the following type, and their solution techniques, were first studied in the 18th century, and the general topic became known as geometric probability. * (Buffon's needle) What is the chance that a needle dropped randomly onto a floor marked with equally spaced parallel lines will cross one of the lines? * What is the mean length of a random chord of a unit circle? (cf. Bertrand's paradox). * What is the chance that three random points in the plane form an acute (rather than obtuse) triangle? * What is the mean area of the polygonal regions formed when randomly oriented lines are spread over the plane?