Georg Bachmayer

Georg Bachmayer (August 12, 1913 – May 8, 1945) was an SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) and member of the SS-Totenkopfverbände who served as the Schutzhaftlagerführer, with responsibility for prisoners while they were inside the Mauthausen concentration camp, he also oversaw granite production in the quarry. In this position he also inspected the satellite camps and supervised the construction of the Ebensee camp. He was considered a brutal sadist. Several examples of Bachmayer's brutality are described by Vasily Bunelik and General Officer Georges Loustaunau-Lacau: SS Long Service Medal.

Georg Bachmayer

Georg Bachmayer (August 12, 1913 – May 8, 1945) was an SS-Hauptsturmführer (captain) and member of the SS-Totenkopfverbände who served as the Schutzhaftlagerführer, with responsibility for prisoners while they were inside the Mauthausen concentration camp, he also oversaw granite production in the quarry. In this position he also inspected the satellite camps and supervised the construction of the Ebensee camp. He was considered a brutal sadist. Several examples of Bachmayer's brutality are described by Vasily Bunelik and General Officer Georges Loustaunau-Lacau: SS Long Service Medal.