George Freedman

George Freedman (Brooklyn, New York, USA, 6 March 1936 – Sydney, NSW, Australia, 21 July 2016) was Australia's leading Interior Designer/ Interior Architect from 1970 until a younger generation became prominent in Sydney during the 1990s. Born in New York, where he studied architecture at Syracuse University, Freedman arrived in Sydney in 1968 and later designed many prestigious interiors, often including custom-made furniture. His notable interior schemes included executive suites for the Bank of New South Wales (1970) and the State Bank of New South Wales (1985), cultural institutions including Sydney's Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, businesses, government premises, restaurants, residences and historic monuments, including a refurbishment of the Queen Victoria Bu

George Freedman

George Freedman (Brooklyn, New York, USA, 6 March 1936 – Sydney, NSW, Australia, 21 July 2016) was Australia's leading Interior Designer/ Interior Architect from 1970 until a younger generation became prominent in Sydney during the 1990s. Born in New York, where he studied architecture at Syracuse University, Freedman arrived in Sydney in 1968 and later designed many prestigious interiors, often including custom-made furniture. His notable interior schemes included executive suites for the Bank of New South Wales (1970) and the State Bank of New South Wales (1985), cultural institutions including Sydney's Powerhouse Museum, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, businesses, government premises, restaurants, residences and historic monuments, including a refurbishment of the Queen Victoria Bu