George Henry Wood (statistician)

George Henry Wood (1874-1945) was a labour statistician, who was a student of and worked with Arthur Bowley. Born in Bristol, he initially trained as an engineer. He was subsequently appointed to the statistical staff of the Labour Department of the Board of Trade. In 1910 he was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver of the Royal Statistical Society, and was a member of its Council from 1926 - 1929. Wood was a free thinker and was active in a variety of local radical movements in Huddersfield, including the Fabians. He collected over a broad field and published much of his collected material.

George Henry Wood (statistician)

George Henry Wood (1874-1945) was a labour statistician, who was a student of and worked with Arthur Bowley. Born in Bristol, he initially trained as an engineer. He was subsequently appointed to the statistical staff of the Labour Department of the Board of Trade. In 1910 he was awarded the Guy Medal in Silver of the Royal Statistical Society, and was a member of its Council from 1926 - 1929. Wood was a free thinker and was active in a variety of local radical movements in Huddersfield, including the Fabians. He collected over a broad field and published much of his collected material.