George Singer (cycle manufacturer)

George Singer (1846 – 4 January 1909) was an English cycle manufacturer who was a pioneer of both cycle and automobile development. Singer was born at Stinsford, Dorset in 1847, the son of George and Helen Singer. He served an apprenticeship at Penn's Engineering Works in Greenwich and in 1869 he moved to Coventry to work at the . Around 1874 he started his own company to manufacture cycles, Singer & Co, in 1894 that became Singer & Co Ltd, and in 1896 the Singer Cycle Company, that soon grew into a large business and also in 1896, at the height of popularity for cycles, he floated his business as a company with a capital of £700,000 reverting to Singer & Co Ltd. The development of forks with curves is attributed to him.

George Singer (cycle manufacturer)

George Singer (1846 – 4 January 1909) was an English cycle manufacturer who was a pioneer of both cycle and automobile development. Singer was born at Stinsford, Dorset in 1847, the son of George and Helen Singer. He served an apprenticeship at Penn's Engineering Works in Greenwich and in 1869 he moved to Coventry to work at the . Around 1874 he started his own company to manufacture cycles, Singer & Co, in 1894 that became Singer & Co Ltd, and in 1896 the Singer Cycle Company, that soon grew into a large business and also in 1896, at the height of popularity for cycles, he floated his business as a company with a capital of £700,000 reverting to Singer & Co Ltd. The development of forks with curves is attributed to him.