George Washington Rodgers (1787–1832)

George Washington Rodgers, naval officer, was born in Harford County, Md., Feb. 22, 1787 ; a brother of Commodore John Rodgers. His father was an officer in the American Revolution. He was warranted a midshipman in the U.S. Navy, April 2, 1804; was promoted lieutenant, April 24, 1810, and assigned to duty on the sloop Wasp being present at the engagement between the Wasp and the Frolic, Oct. 18, 1812. He was included in the vote of thanks passed by Congress, and received a silver medal. He was married to Anna Maria, daughter of Christopher Raymond and Sarah (Alexander) Perry. He was given command of the brig Firefly in the war with Algiers in 1815 ; was commissioned master-commandant, April 27, 1816, and assigned to the command of the ship Peacock in the Mediterranean, 1816-18. He was prom

George Washington Rodgers (1787–1832)

George Washington Rodgers, naval officer, was born in Harford County, Md., Feb. 22, 1787 ; a brother of Commodore John Rodgers. His father was an officer in the American Revolution. He was warranted a midshipman in the U.S. Navy, April 2, 1804; was promoted lieutenant, April 24, 1810, and assigned to duty on the sloop Wasp being present at the engagement between the Wasp and the Frolic, Oct. 18, 1812. He was included in the vote of thanks passed by Congress, and received a silver medal. He was married to Anna Maria, daughter of Christopher Raymond and Sarah (Alexander) Perry. He was given command of the brig Firefly in the war with Algiers in 1815 ; was commissioned master-commandant, April 27, 1816, and assigned to the command of the ship Peacock in the Mediterranean, 1816-18. He was prom