Georgia Benkart

Georgia McClure Benkart (born 1949) is an American mathematician who is known for her work in the structure and representation theory of Lie algebras and related algebraic structures.She has published over 100 journal articles and co-authored 3 American Mathematical Society Memoirs in four broad categories: modular Lie algebras; combinatorics of Lie algebra representations; graded algebras and superalgebras; and quantum groups and related structures.

Georgia Benkart

Georgia McClure Benkart (born 1949) is an American mathematician who is known for her work in the structure and representation theory of Lie algebras and related algebraic structures.She has published over 100 journal articles and co-authored 3 American Mathematical Society Memoirs in four broad categories: modular Lie algebras; combinatorics of Lie algebra representations; graded algebras and superalgebras; and quantum groups and related structures.