
Geotope is the geological component of the abiotic matrix present in an ecotope. Example geotopes might be an exposed outcrop of rocks, an erratic boulder, a grotto or ravine, a cave, an old stone wall marking a property boundary, and so forth. For usage in the context of geoheritage, like e.g. in Friedrich Wiedenbein's contributions (see below) and in the German discussion on geoheritage, the more adequate term (and translation from the German) is geosite.


Geotope is the geological component of the abiotic matrix present in an ecotope. Example geotopes might be an exposed outcrop of rocks, an erratic boulder, a grotto or ravine, a cave, an old stone wall marking a property boundary, and so forth. For usage in the context of geoheritage, like e.g. in Friedrich Wiedenbein's contributions (see below) and in the German discussion on geoheritage, the more adequate term (and translation from the German) is geosite.