Germán Espinosa

Germán Espinosa Villareal (April 30, 1938 – October 17, 2007) was a Colombian novelist, poet and author born and based in Cartagena, Colombia. He wrote over forty works over the course of his career. He often used his native Cartagena for the backdrop or inspiration for his writings. His historical fiction writings featured such diverse topics as witches, pirates and the Spanish Inquisition. Espinosa was often called "Gabo sin Nobel," or "Garcia Marquez without the prize" in English. The quote referred to fellow Colombian writer, Garcia Marquez, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.

Germán Espinosa

Germán Espinosa Villareal (April 30, 1938 – October 17, 2007) was a Colombian novelist, poet and author born and based in Cartagena, Colombia. He wrote over forty works over the course of his career. He often used his native Cartagena for the backdrop or inspiration for his writings. His historical fiction writings featured such diverse topics as witches, pirates and the Spanish Inquisition. Espinosa was often called "Gabo sin Nobel," or "Garcia Marquez without the prize" in English. The quote referred to fellow Colombian writer, Garcia Marquez, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.