German Black Pied Dairy cattle

The German Black Pied Dairy (German: Schwarzbuntes Milchrind (SMR)) was a dairy cattle breed of the GDR, created through combination breeding. In 1963, Georg Schönmuth suggested that Jersey bulls from Denmark be crossed with German Black Pied cows. The descendants of this crossing were to be crossed with Holsteins. The goal of this three-breed cross was to create a cattle breed with high milk production, high milk fat content, and sufficient beef performance.

German Black Pied Dairy cattle

The German Black Pied Dairy (German: Schwarzbuntes Milchrind (SMR)) was a dairy cattle breed of the GDR, created through combination breeding. In 1963, Georg Schönmuth suggested that Jersey bulls from Denmark be crossed with German Black Pied cows. The descendants of this crossing were to be crossed with Holsteins. The goal of this three-breed cross was to create a cattle breed with high milk production, high milk fat content, and sufficient beef performance.