Gesta Tancredi

Gesta Tancredi in expeditione Hierosolymitana (The Deeds of Tancred in the Crusade), also known by its full title Gesta Tancredi Siciliae Regis in expeditione Hierosolymitana, is usually called simply Gesta Tancredi, is a prosimetric history written in laconic Latin prose and episodes of verse by Norman chaplin Ralph of Caen (before 1079 – after 1130). His text provides an exceptional narrative of the First Crusade and events the Crusade entailed, especially those that involved Tancred. It is one of only half a dozen firsthand Latin accounts of those events.

Gesta Tancredi

Gesta Tancredi in expeditione Hierosolymitana (The Deeds of Tancred in the Crusade), also known by its full title Gesta Tancredi Siciliae Regis in expeditione Hierosolymitana, is usually called simply Gesta Tancredi, is a prosimetric history written in laconic Latin prose and episodes of verse by Norman chaplin Ralph of Caen (before 1079 – after 1130). His text provides an exceptional narrative of the First Crusade and events the Crusade entailed, especially those that involved Tancred. It is one of only half a dozen firsthand Latin accounts of those events.