Gheorghe Mihail

Gheorghe Mihail (March 13, 1887 – January 31, 1982) was a Romanian career army officer. Born in Brăila, he completed primary school in 1902 and passed an examination to enter the school for soldiers' sons in Iași, taking years 7 and 8 there. He attended the military school for active-duty infantry officers between 1905 and 1907. Made a second lieutenant in 1907, he advanced to lieutenant in 1910. In 1911, he won a competition for a specialized training with the Austro-Hungarian Army, enrolling in the seventh infantry division at Esseg for two years. During vacation time, he was able to undertake trips to Berlin, Breslau, Venice, Paris, and Rome, attend maneuvers in Belgium and Switzerland, and spend a month in Egypt during the winter of 1910–1911. After returning home in the summer of 1913

Gheorghe Mihail

Gheorghe Mihail (March 13, 1887 – January 31, 1982) was a Romanian career army officer. Born in Brăila, he completed primary school in 1902 and passed an examination to enter the school for soldiers' sons in Iași, taking years 7 and 8 there. He attended the military school for active-duty infantry officers between 1905 and 1907. Made a second lieutenant in 1907, he advanced to lieutenant in 1910. In 1911, he won a competition for a specialized training with the Austro-Hungarian Army, enrolling in the seventh infantry division at Esseg for two years. During vacation time, he was able to undertake trips to Berlin, Breslau, Venice, Paris, and Rome, attend maneuvers in Belgium and Switzerland, and spend a month in Egypt during the winter of 1910–1911. After returning home in the summer of 1913