Ghost Messenger

Ghost Messenger (Korean: 고스트 메신저) is a South Korean animated series made by STUDIO ANIMAL. First released in 2010, it revolves around a series of events that happen as Little Kanglim(voiced by EunJung), a human boy with extraordinary spiritual power, accidentally encounters ghost messenger Kanglim(voiced by SungTae Park). It falls under the genres science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural, though STUDIO ANIMAL officially states its genre as 'Oriental SF Fantasy'.

Ghost Messenger

Ghost Messenger (Korean: 고스트 메신저) is a South Korean animated series made by STUDIO ANIMAL. First released in 2010, it revolves around a series of events that happen as Little Kanglim(voiced by EunJung), a human boy with extraordinary spiritual power, accidentally encounters ghost messenger Kanglim(voiced by SungTae Park). It falls under the genres science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural, though STUDIO ANIMAL officially states its genre as 'Oriental SF Fantasy'.