Gideon Rises

"Gideon Rises" is the twentieth aired episode of the animated television series; Gravity Falls and the final episode of the series' first season. Premiering on August 2, 2013, on the Disney Channel, it was directed by John Aoshima and Joe Pitt, and written by Alex Hirsch, Matt Chapman, and Michael Rianda. The episode received a viewership of 3.2 million. "Gideon Rises" was released for digital distribution as part of the series Volume 2.

Gideon Rises

"Gideon Rises" is the twentieth aired episode of the animated television series; Gravity Falls and the final episode of the series' first season. Premiering on August 2, 2013, on the Disney Channel, it was directed by John Aoshima and Joe Pitt, and written by Alex Hirsch, Matt Chapman, and Michael Rianda. The episode received a viewership of 3.2 million. "Gideon Rises" was released for digital distribution as part of the series Volume 2.