Gigantes y cabezudos

Gigantes y Cabezudos (Portuguese: gigantones e cabeçudos; Valencian: Gegants i cabuts; Catalan: gegants i capgrossos; Basque: erraldoi eta buruhandiak; English: Giant and big-headed) are costumed figures in Spanish, Flemish and Portuguese festivals. The main feature of these figures is typically their papier maché head; bodies are covered in clothing matching the costume's theme.

Gigantes y cabezudos

Gigantes y Cabezudos (Portuguese: gigantones e cabeçudos; Valencian: Gegants i cabuts; Catalan: gegants i capgrossos; Basque: erraldoi eta buruhandiak; English: Giant and big-headed) are costumed figures in Spanish, Flemish and Portuguese festivals. The main feature of these figures is typically their papier maché head; bodies are covered in clothing matching the costume's theme.