Giles Buckner Cooke

Giles Buckner Cooke (1838-1937) was a Confederate officer in the American Civil War, a school teacher and school principal, and an Episcopal priest. He is best known for his service on the personal staff of Gen. Robert E. Lee during the Siege of Petersburg and the closing months of the active existence of the Army of Northern Virginia. As a commissioned veteran of the defeated Confederate cause, he changed careers and because an educator and ordained minister. When he died in 1937, he was the last survivor of General Lee's military family.

Giles Buckner Cooke

Giles Buckner Cooke (1838-1937) was a Confederate officer in the American Civil War, a school teacher and school principal, and an Episcopal priest. He is best known for his service on the personal staff of Gen. Robert E. Lee during the Siege of Petersburg and the closing months of the active existence of the Army of Northern Virginia. As a commissioned veteran of the defeated Confederate cause, he changed careers and because an educator and ordained minister. When he died in 1937, he was the last survivor of General Lee's military family.