Giuseppe Zattera

Giuseppe Zattera (1826-1891) was an Italian painter, mainly depicting landscapes and vedute, but also some sacred subjects. He was born in Legnago in the province of Verona, but studied from 1840-1852 at the Institute of Fine Arts of Modena under Adeodato Malatesta. He later became instructor at the academy in 1873. Among his genre subjects were Le crestaie modenesi (1873) and La danza delle ore, now in the Galleria Estense in Modena.

Giuseppe Zattera

Giuseppe Zattera (1826-1891) was an Italian painter, mainly depicting landscapes and vedute, but also some sacred subjects. He was born in Legnago in the province of Verona, but studied from 1840-1852 at the Institute of Fine Arts of Modena under Adeodato Malatesta. He later became instructor at the academy in 1873. Among his genre subjects were Le crestaie modenesi (1873) and La danza delle ore, now in the Galleria Estense in Modena.