Give Me What I Want

"Give Me What I Want" is the second single by Kids in Glass Houses to be taken from the band's debut album Smart Casual. It was released on 19 May 2008. The song was nominated for the Kerrang! Award for Best Single. The B-Side for this single, "Be Nice (Start Now)", was intended to be on the album in place of "Good Boys Gone Rad" (recorded after the album's completion as a B-Side) until very late in production. However, the two tracks were switched after the band decided "Good Boys Gone Rad" fitted into the album better.

Give Me What I Want

"Give Me What I Want" is the second single by Kids in Glass Houses to be taken from the band's debut album Smart Casual. It was released on 19 May 2008. The song was nominated for the Kerrang! Award for Best Single. The B-Side for this single, "Be Nice (Start Now)", was intended to be on the album in place of "Good Boys Gone Rad" (recorded after the album's completion as a B-Side) until very late in production. However, the two tracks were switched after the band decided "Good Boys Gone Rad" fitted into the album better.