
Gjakmarrja (English: "blood-taking", i.e. "blood feud") or hakmarrja ("revenge") refers to the social obligation to commit murder in order to salvage honour questioned by an earlier violation of any of the many core morals of Albanian culture. This practice is generally seen as in line with the Albanian social code known as Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit, or simply the Kanun (consisting of 12 books and 1,262 articles). The code was originally a "a non-religious code that was used by Muslims and Christians alike."


Gjakmarrja (English: "blood-taking", i.e. "blood feud") or hakmarrja ("revenge") refers to the social obligation to commit murder in order to salvage honour questioned by an earlier violation of any of the many core morals of Albanian culture. This practice is generally seen as in line with the Albanian social code known as Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit, or simply the Kanun (consisting of 12 books and 1,262 articles). The code was originally a "a non-religious code that was used by Muslims and Christians alike."