
GlobalSpec is a technology services company which provides a search engine of engineering and industrial products, indexing over 180 million parts divided into 2,300,000 product families, from over 24,000 manufacturer and distributor catalogs. GlobalSpec is a domain-specific (or "vertical search") tool, in that its focused domain allows for optimized results. Within product families, searches can be narrowed by selecting values for parameters that are specific to that product type. * AltaVista * The International Society of Automation (ISA) * McGraw-Hill * Dassault Systemes


GlobalSpec is a technology services company which provides a search engine of engineering and industrial products, indexing over 180 million parts divided into 2,300,000 product families, from over 24,000 manufacturer and distributor catalogs. GlobalSpec is a domain-specific (or "vertical search") tool, in that its focused domain allows for optimized results. Within product families, searches can be narrowed by selecting values for parameters that are specific to that product type. * AltaVista * The International Society of Automation (ISA) * McGraw-Hill * Dassault Systemes