
Glyvrar (Danish: Glibre) is a village located on Eysturoy, in the Faroe Islands. It is one of several villages on the east side of the Skálafjørður fjord that have grown into a 10-kilometre-long conurbation. In Glyvrar there is a museum called ’Bygdasavnid Forni’. The church in Glyvrar was originally built in 1927, but it was heavily restored in 1981. From 1903 to 1928 there was a school for navigators in Glyvrar. Graduates from here would become masters of fishing-ships. The Bible translator Victor Danielsen worked as a teacher in Glyvrar in 1914.


Glyvrar (Danish: Glibre) is a village located on Eysturoy, in the Faroe Islands. It is one of several villages on the east side of the Skálafjørður fjord that have grown into a 10-kilometre-long conurbation. In Glyvrar there is a museum called ’Bygdasavnid Forni’. The church in Glyvrar was originally built in 1927, but it was heavily restored in 1981. From 1903 to 1928 there was a school for navigators in Glyvrar. Graduates from here would become masters of fishing-ships. The Bible translator Victor Danielsen worked as a teacher in Glyvrar in 1914.