God Will Lift Up Your Head

"God Will Lift Up Your Head" is a song recorded and performed by Jars of Clay. The song is a remake of a traditional hymn of the same name that was written by the 17th-century German hymnwriter Paul Gerhardt. Jars of Clay wrote the music and altered the translated lyrics (of John Wesley) slightly for the version that appears on Redemption Songs. The song is the first of two radio singles in promotion of the album which hit number one on the Christian CHR radio charts in 2005. It also appears on the WOW Hits 2006 compilation album, and the greatest hits album Jars of Clay: Greatest Hits.

God Will Lift Up Your Head

"God Will Lift Up Your Head" is a song recorded and performed by Jars of Clay. The song is a remake of a traditional hymn of the same name that was written by the 17th-century German hymnwriter Paul Gerhardt. Jars of Clay wrote the music and altered the translated lyrics (of John Wesley) slightly for the version that appears on Redemption Songs. The song is the first of two radio singles in promotion of the album which hit number one on the Christian CHR radio charts in 2005. It also appears on the WOW Hits 2006 compilation album, and the greatest hits album Jars of Clay: Greatest Hits.