Gokomere High School

Gokomere High School is a boarding school sixteen km from Masvingo, Zimbabwe. It is one of Zimbabwe's most esteemed Catholic Boarding Schools with a competitive rigorous academic program. Entry into the school is very competitive and includes a written test and high test scores from a student's body of work in the lower grades. The O levels produced a nourishing 92.3%. Mr Cephas Vhurumuku is the current Headmaster of the gigantic school. Motto: “Vincere Caritate/ Conquer with love”

Gokomere High School

Gokomere High School is a boarding school sixteen km from Masvingo, Zimbabwe. It is one of Zimbabwe's most esteemed Catholic Boarding Schools with a competitive rigorous academic program. Entry into the school is very competitive and includes a written test and high test scores from a student's body of work in the lower grades. The O levels produced a nourishing 92.3%. Mr Cephas Vhurumuku is the current Headmaster of the gigantic school. Motto: “Vincere Caritate/ Conquer with love”