Goldsmith banker

A goldsmith banker was a business role that emerged in seventeenth century London from the London goldsmiths where they gradually expanded their services to include storage of wealth, providing loans, transferring money and providing bills of exchange that would lead to the development of cheques. Some of the concepts were brought over from Amsterdam where goldsmiths would provide gold storage and issue chits that started to be used as a means of exchange. The goldsmith banker became a key development in the history of banking that would lead to modern banking.

Goldsmith banker

A goldsmith banker was a business role that emerged in seventeenth century London from the London goldsmiths where they gradually expanded their services to include storage of wealth, providing loans, transferring money and providing bills of exchange that would lead to the development of cheques. Some of the concepts were brought over from Amsterdam where goldsmiths would provide gold storage and issue chits that started to be used as a means of exchange. The goldsmith banker became a key development in the history of banking that would lead to modern banking.