Goliad Formation

The Goliad Formation (Tg) is a geologic formation in Texas. It preserves fossils dating back to the Serravallian to earliest Pliocene stages (Clarendonian, Hemphillian and earliest Blancan in the NALMA classification) of the Neogene period, including the gomphothere Blancotherium among many other fossil mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. The formation hosts uranium deposits and forms the Evangeline aquifer underneath the city of Houston.

Goliad Formation

The Goliad Formation (Tg) is a geologic formation in Texas. It preserves fossils dating back to the Serravallian to earliest Pliocene stages (Clarendonian, Hemphillian and earliest Blancan in the NALMA classification) of the Neogene period, including the gomphothere Blancotherium among many other fossil mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. The formation hosts uranium deposits and forms the Evangeline aquifer underneath the city of Houston.