Gone with the Wind in the Vatican

Gone with the Wind in the Vatican (Italian: Via col Vento in Vaticano) is a book that was published in 1999, about nepotism, homosexual scandals, corruption, "clientism" and even Satanism within Vatican City, written under the pseudonym I Millenari ("The Millenarians"), a possible anagram of "Marinelli". The book, published by Kaos Edizione of Milan, sold 100,000 copies in its first three weeks alone and went out of print within the year, before foreign-language editions became available.

Gone with the Wind in the Vatican

Gone with the Wind in the Vatican (Italian: Via col Vento in Vaticano) is a book that was published in 1999, about nepotism, homosexual scandals, corruption, "clientism" and even Satanism within Vatican City, written under the pseudonym I Millenari ("The Millenarians"), a possible anagram of "Marinelli". The book, published by Kaos Edizione of Milan, sold 100,000 copies in its first three weeks alone and went out of print within the year, before foreign-language editions became available.