Gonzalo Frasca

Gonzalo Frasca (born 1972) is a game designer and academic researcher focusing on serious and political videogames. His blog, Ludology.org, was an important publication during the early 2000s for academic researchers studying video games (see ludology for more information). For many years, Frasca also co-published Watercoolergames with Ian Bogost, a blog about serious games.

Gonzalo Frasca

Gonzalo Frasca (born 1972) is a game designer and academic researcher focusing on serious and political videogames. His blog, Ludology.org, was an important publication during the early 2000s for academic researchers studying video games (see ludology for more information). For many years, Frasca also co-published Watercoolergames with Ian Bogost, a blog about serious games.