Google and Wikipedia

The relationship between Google and Wikipedia was originally collaborative in Wikipedia's early days, when Google helped reduce the pagerank of widespread uneditable Wikipedia clones that were simply ad farms. In 2007, Google introduced Knol, a direct competitor for community-driven encyclopedia creation. Later it supported Wikimedia with grants and came to rely on Wikipedia to address the spread of misinformation on YouTube, providing verifiable and well-sourced information to those seeking it. Big tech and Wikimedia enterprise started a partnership in 2021.

Google and Wikipedia

The relationship between Google and Wikipedia was originally collaborative in Wikipedia's early days, when Google helped reduce the pagerank of widespread uneditable Wikipedia clones that were simply ad farms. In 2007, Google introduced Knol, a direct competitor for community-driven encyclopedia creation. Later it supported Wikimedia with grants and came to rely on Wikipedia to address the spread of misinformation on YouTube, providing verifiable and well-sourced information to those seeking it. Big tech and Wikimedia enterprise started a partnership in 2021.