Government of Singapore

The Government of the Republic of Singapore is defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore to mean the Executive branch of government, which is made up of the President and the Cabinet of Singapore. Although the President acts in their personal discretion in the exercise of certain functions as a check on the Cabinet and Parliament of Singapore, their role is largely ceremonial. It is the Cabinet, composed of the Prime Minister and other Ministers appointed on their advice by the President, that generally directs and controls the Government. The Cabinet is formed by the political party that gains a simple majority in each general election.

Government of Singapore

The Government of the Republic of Singapore is defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore to mean the Executive branch of government, which is made up of the President and the Cabinet of Singapore. Although the President acts in their personal discretion in the exercise of certain functions as a check on the Cabinet and Parliament of Singapore, their role is largely ceremonial. It is the Cabinet, composed of the Prime Minister and other Ministers appointed on their advice by the President, that generally directs and controls the Government. The Cabinet is formed by the political party that gains a simple majority in each general election.