Grand View Dairy Farm

Grand View Dairy Farm is a historic farm complex and national historic district located in South Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. It has eight contributing buildings and four contributing structures. They are a 2 1/2-story, log and frame farmhouse on a stone foundation (c. 1790, c. 1890); frame summer kitchen (c. 1890); smokehouse; butcher shop; stone and frame dairy barn (1849, 1901); bull barn (c. 1910); and two frame sheds. The contributing structures are two frame corn cribs, ground cellar, and frame pig pen (c. 1901).

Grand View Dairy Farm

Grand View Dairy Farm is a historic farm complex and national historic district located in South Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. It has eight contributing buildings and four contributing structures. They are a 2 1/2-story, log and frame farmhouse on a stone foundation (c. 1790, c. 1890); frame summer kitchen (c. 1890); smokehouse; butcher shop; stone and frame dairy barn (1849, 1901); bull barn (c. 1910); and two frame sheds. The contributing structures are two frame corn cribs, ground cellar, and frame pig pen (c. 1901).